
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

171 years of celebrating Sarah Bernhardt

Depending on which part of the world you live, October 22 or 23 would be the day to celebrate the birth of Sarah Bernhardt and all she contributed to the arts and our lives since.

Bernhardt photographed by Félix Nadar, 1865

wonder | wander | women raise a torch in acknowledgement of this woman of substance.

The French actress, named by her fans the “Divine Sarah,” is recognized as the first international stage star and referred to as the most famous actress the world has ever known

Sarah Bernhardt in a 1911 film adaptation of Camille (La Dame aux camélias)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

birds of London, part 2: working girls

Here in the UK, even as new buildings are springing up and globalisation takes root, city councils are finding that old ways can provide new solutions. As London sheds its industrial past and gets shinier and cleaner, flocks of pigeons can create a messy problem. The solution: hawks.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Will wonders never cease?

wonder | wander | women love to stargaze and this October gives us much to gaze upon!

This coming weekend, Saturday morning October 17, and Sunday the 18th, we will all be treated to a tight grouping of Jupiter, Venus and Mars in the eastern sky before sunrise. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

InkTober: taking a line for a walk.

It's October and artists everywhere, even digital and 3D masters, are digging out their pens and paper.  Every year hundreds of illustrators and animators join the InkTober Initiative, created by illustrator and teacher Jake Parker. Mr Parker says he started InkTober in 2009 to strengthen his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits.

Digital sketch, Photoshop