
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

views & vistas

“Patience is not just about waiting for something. . . .it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.” ~ Joyce Meyer

As wonder | wander | women still ourselves indoors separated by oceans our hearts stretch toward each other as we tackle our countries shut down. In our own distinct way we practice self isolation and venture into our inner realms.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

exhausted & strung out

W magazine posted an article about frolicking dolphins in the clear canals of Venice. The tragic double edge to this happy news is that it took a forced lock down that quarantined humans away to create some space for nature and other animals to come out and play.

Venice canals

Did it have to take a pandemic of CoVid19 proportions for this to happen? This is what happens to our earth without us humans. Maybe we will learn to be more mindful about sharing in the future - provided there still is one for us. Nature all too easily takes back what is rightfully hers.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Wallace Collection - a mansion of elegance

Recently wonder | wander | women were lucky enough to introduce some beloved relatives to one of their favourite museums, the Wallace Collection.

Wallace Collection entrance. Photo by Anthony O'Neil via Wikipedia

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

natural progression

The recent Ancestral Healing Summit hosted by the Shift Network was  five days of revelation and insight that led wonder | wander | women into deeper conversation about our own lineage and heritage. 

We'Moon 2020

What constitutes a family really? In cultural anthropology this varies across the globe depending on a variety of factors including subsistence practices and economic behaviors.

Flathead family (United States)

Family defines obligations that group members have to one another, both economically and socially. Generally, family members live together, but that is not always the case.