
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

medicine songs

An ancient prophesy declares, “When enough seeds are awake, released from fear and other negative aspects of the third and fourth level of consciousness, the seeds of the fifth level will be able to sprout within humanity and form a whole”.

Honoring the prophecy of the Q’eros Elders of the Andes

Whatever your belief or tradition, we gather here in a space of compassion and kindness to honor the many souls we have lost in this pandemic. We seek to find solace and light to guide us out of this.

Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying

Friday, May 22, 2020

East Asian treasures of the Met

Can you be homesick for an aesthetic? Growing up Southeast Asian in a family of Chinese descent, wonder | wander | women often feel culturally deprived in our Western homes. 

Mural of Yaoshi Fo, Buddha of medicine
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

to the river charles

River! that in silence windest
Through the meadows, bright and free,
Till at length thy rest thou findest
In the bosom of the sea! 

George Washington Bridge & NYC across the Hudson River

Four long years of mingled feeling,
Half in rest, and half in strife,
I have seen thy waters stealing
Onward, like the stream of life. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

playing from home

Peace is hard to find in uncertain times. It comes in snatched moments; we fight for it, try to chase it down. When the days stretch endlessly and we struggle for normalcy, we value an instant of joy or beauty all the more.