
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

small things: healing through walking

“Exploring the world is one of the best ways of exploring the mind and walking travels both terrains.” 

― Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

fall equinox

“Autumn’s grain is spring’s seed: paradox surrounds us with ripening wisdom. If we lose hope, remember that Hope has two daughters to support our balancing acts: Anger and Courage. Instead of passive hope, embrace radical willingness.” ~ excerpt by Oak Chezar © Mother Tongue Ink 2019

"Too easily, we lose the path of Beauty and Spirituality."

Winter Ross at Ceremonial Visions

What seeds did we plant in spring that are now ready for harvesting this autumn? As badge carrying rebels, advocates and dissenters wonder | wander | women are actively raising our voices and joining groups and communities that honor and respect the natural rhythms and cycles of our earth.

wanton urban ugliness

It was extremely upsetting and heart wrenching to watch what our little barrio has been up to this whole month. While the rest of the world was more concerned and careful about being better guardians of our land, Union City, New Jersey is chopping down all its grand old trees. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

indoor adventures: one pot wonders

wonder | wander | women have talked a lot about the electric lunchbox and how it changed our daily cooking and eating. Sadly our first kitchen friend stopped working and we had to get a new one!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

songs of September

September started of with a bang as Mahala celebrated her 41st birthday on the first of the month. In joyful celebration wonder | wander | women lined up a few choice songs to celebrate the occasion.

Issa’s digital decoupage of Mahala’s art

In true family tradition we decided to extend the joyous celebration as long as we could. Join us as we sing our lungs out and dance like crazy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

birthday review - thinking back and looking forward

Birthdays are always a Big Deal here at wonder | wander | women, and this year's came at an unprecedented time. How do I quantify the 40th year of my life, and how I spent it? How can we know what comes next, and how to learn the most from it?

Do I measure my progress in work, in moving the ribbon bookmark page by page in my journals and sketchbooks, or counting the pages of my comics?