
Thursday, November 26, 2020

diversify & decolonize Thanksgiving

2020 is a special year - in spite and despite all that has come our way - we still have much to offer up thanks for. In the midst of so much death, loss and sorrow our mournful hearts continue to hope and strive. 

A diverse & decolonized Thanksgiving to all!

This year spreading the corona virus rather than preparing the traditional Thanksgiving spread is of greater concern. Under quarantine and in isolation we are encouraged to stay home and keep it simple.

National Day of Morning [image credit: Kisha James]

In this more contemplative atmosphere we no longer are clear cut for or against the celebration of the conquest and genocide of local natives by invading colonists.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

communication + connection = community

wonder | wander | women love the beauty of well applied language - painting vivid images, evoking deep sentiments, capturing the subtlest nuances - the eloquence of a story well told. 

Illustrated by Okalinichenko

Mahala is more interested and fluid when it comes to learning other languages. Issa is bound more by the native tongues we were born to and raised around - English, Hiligaynon, Tagalog. Together we thrive on a rich world of words, nourished and fed in these created universes. 

Illustrated by Okalinichenko

Reading "Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country" by gifted American author Louise Erdrich validates and vindicates our obsession. Moving to another country has magnified the ache and longing we have always had - displaced back home and more so now that we have relocated.

an eloquent and lovely memoir by Louise Erdrich

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

embrace healing

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not saviours. They are not superheroes. They are not the great hope of America - its people are. But we have at least gained a foothold instead of falling off the cliff - time to take a breath, be grateful, and reach out for the strength to rebuild.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

eyes on the BIG picture

November comes with bright new astronomical events and it is going to be quite the month for those who like wonder | wander | women love to watch the night sky.

Whether equipped with a telescope or the latest sky app, spend some of time catching these mesmerizing cosmic events. Hearts and minds trained toward the bigger picture rather than the US elections circus.

Lake Huron from Goderich Beach