
Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Magic Flute at Lincoln Center

The last time wonder | wander | women were in NYC for Christmas was way back in 2012 when we stayed for a few days in the city to see the Rockettes Christmas special - what a treat! Now in 2021 we found ourselves at the Lincoln Center for that other jewel of the season, Julie Taymor's family-friendly production of Mozart's Magic Flute.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Yuletide 2021

Yule is the pagan - ancient, ageless, and new - holiday that celebrates the return of longer days. Many cultures celebrate Yule - from ancient Germanic peoples to Celtic Druids. This turning of the wheel of the year also has traditions that may seem familiar for those who celebrate Christmas today. 

Yuletide displayAdobeStock / emmi

Wishing everyone a purposeful and fulfilling winter solstice. Life's challenges right now for all our global population has put us through so much loss on so many levels.

Winter Solstice sunrise over NYC - Getty Image

Ancient teachings from our ancestors - in messages on old artifacts, cave dwellings, and petroglyphs - remind us of the importance of holding the light, especially in these dark times.

Friday, December 17, 2021

a much missed view

wonder | wander | women are reunited! For the first time in several years, London HQ set off across the Atlantic for US HQ. Which meant several days of COVID testing setup and many other hoops to jump through before we even set foot on the plane.

leaving the green and grey flats of England

Friday, December 10, 2021

holiday countdown

Contrary to popular belief, the theory that the lyrics to “The 12 Days of Christmas” are coded references to Christianity, has been debunked

While it posits that the song was written to help Christians learn and pass on the tenets of their faith while avoiding persecution - the song really isn't a coded primer on Christianity. 

celebrating online, 2020

Forever the irreverent resisters, wonder | wander | women created our own version this year to celebrate our reunion Stateside - finally, COVID be damned! The Countdown begins. . . .now. 

Pentatonix version of 12 Days of Xmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. . . .a partridge in a pear tree.
The partridge in a pear tree of course represents Mahala - only and fave spawn of Issa. Whose arrival Stateside is the best Christmas gift for us both.

Friday, December 3, 2021

finding new spaces

Unlike the tidy grids of New York, the streets of central London wander around oddly shaped properties, cross themselves, and split off in small paths that may lead to a dead end. Walkers in a hurry usually stick to their prepared routes or rely on map apps to keep from getting lost.