
Friday, March 25, 2022

magic made real

World Storytelling Day which occurs annually on March 20 is a day that celebrates the global art of storytelling. Whether the story has words, pictures, signs, rhythm, or expression - all forms of storytelling are appreciated by wonder | wander | women and many others. 

The day acknowledges the art form of storytelling and encourages diversity among different cultures and races. Join us to celebrate one of the oldest forms of communication - enjoying each letter, sound, word as they form phrase, sentence, picture. 

ancient cave art, American Museum of Natural History, NYC

The history of storytelling dates back to the stone age. Over the years cave paintings, drawings, and messages have become a source of information.

These remnants of ancient knowledge still contain uncovered secrets that continue to educate us about the past and reveal how humans lived and interacted.

what ancient Egyptian sounds like

Friday, March 18, 2022

views from the top deck

Riding the famous London bus was one of my favourite pastimes in pre-COVID days. After two years I have been able to go on again once or twice, and it reminded me how much I enjoyed it. 

St. Paul's Cathedral at dusk

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

break the bias

March 8 is International Women's Day. wonder | wander | women highlight lives of women around the world - from inspiring stories to reporting on political and economic inequalities. 

states of grace & glory

We celebrate the day recognizing the contribution of women and girls around the world - who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response - to build a more sustainable future for all. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

we stand in solidarity

Over the past week, the world has reacted to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in a variety of ways. Countries are showing their solidarity and support by sanctioning Russia in ways we all hope will add up to tip the scales against their invasion. 

25 works by Maria Pryimachenko were burnt in Ivankiv near Kyiv

Many are posting Ukrainian art instead of retaliating against Russia since we are against Putin and his actions, not Russia and its people. Under Putin we have no doubt that the nation and its people are as much under the yoke of his oppression too. 

"Sunflowers" by Mykola Nedilko

wonder | wander | women take this opportunity to exalt Ukraine, its valiant people, and their beautiful art.