
Saturday, September 30, 2023

London time

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is more than just an annual lunar event. It is an important celebration that brings together families, rekindles friendships, and unites communities. 

The holiday stretches back 3,000 years, when Orientals worshipped the moon as a symbol of rejuvenation and a good harvest. Today, the holiday is all about bonding and togetherness. 

Chang’e the Moon Goddess and her celestial companion the Jade Rabbit

In an intricately woven tapestry of traditions and shared experiences many around the world are captivated and celebrate along. While its origins are deeply rooted in East Asian cultures, the festival’s universal messages of family bonds, friendship, and gratitude is universal. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Mabon, back to balance

Autumn Equinox is the start of the fall season where the day and night are equal in length. Also known as Mabon, it marks the official time where summer ends and fall begins. 

Mahala & Issa on our guided tour, London 2023

Autumn Equinox is a celebration of the harvest - the foods to sustain us through the winter months. It is considered the second harvest of fruits and vegetables. The first is the wheat harvest at Lammas (August 1), and the third harvest is for seeds and nuts at Samhain (November 1).

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Fil-Am convoluted history

Each year, American renew a solemn vow to never forget what happened on September 11, 2001, or those who lost their lives.

On Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, we honor every life lost that day.  We honor the first responders - firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency workers, and service members - who answered the call of duty, and the brave civilians who rushed into action to save lives that day. 

9/11 anniversary

Their courage embodies the best of our American spirit and resilience - their heroism continues to inspire generations of Americans.

To the detriment of the Philippine nation and its people Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, the 10th president of the Philippines and its lone dictator from 1966 to February 1986 - was born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte. An unfortunate event we all still have to recover from.