
Sunday, February 25, 2024

cozy winter comfort food

Living in multicultural cities, wonder | wander | women delight in finding all sorts of special cuisine from cultures all over the world. Still, we love to turn to a few comfort foods we've come to seek out when tiredness strikes and the cravings pop up.

Maomao and Jinshi buy street yakitori, from The Apothecary Diaries

Saturday, February 17, 2024

golden gifts

What is it about class reunions and alumni homecomings that pull on our heartstrings? These tradition of welcoming back alumni are opportunities to revisit our alma mater and pay homage to the staff, mentors and peers we learned from in our formative years.

Golderitas & Class of 74evers, 3 Feb 2024

We acclaim the lessons, skills, and principles that transformed us and laid the foundation for who we are today. We make time to affirm our participation in enhancing the quality of learning in our alma mater.

presenting the Mandala Cycles coloring book onstage

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

botanical watercolours

The study of plants is an ancient science, and as with the oldest sciences, was tied to the mysteries of nature and the body. It was considered essential for anyone of learning to study and record plants and the way they grew. Even children in today's schools are encouraged to draw the parts of flowers and try to grow their own plants from seeds.

Botanical illustration therefore is one of the oldest uses of art. It is both art and science, a study and an appreciation of the beauty of nature. With our eyes and hands, we are analysing the structure of a living thing. Using ink and paint, we are learning to understand a growing thing from the outside in.