
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Autumn Equinox 2014 - skies above us

NBC News Image
We have come to that time of year when we care more about weather watching and the daily reports.

Living in a part of the world subject to four seasons has its perks and perils.

No sooner have we settled into one season when it decides to move on to the next.

This autumn equinox is a gateway that signals a change in season and a shift in energy.

Less light and more dark - a cooler North East while the West remains hot.

Nowhere are these changes and shifts more marked than in the sky.

Clear or sullen, bright or dark - look up! Look out!

Even these wires cannot mar the sky.

As our outer world changes and shifts - what changes and shifts do we notice within?

Sky Writing

Are we ready to move on now?

Super Moon

Are we reminded what our priorities are?

This weekend's Climate Change March in New York City was a good reminder.

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