
Saturday, May 2, 2015

blossom time: spring in NYC

In response to Mahala's London Spring blossom time blog last week, wonder | wander | women blogs this week on Spring blossoms here in the US, mainly in New Jersey and New York.

As the days warm up we are out and about enjoying spring's return in a landscape of flowers and bright greens. 

On a bright spring day there is always something new to see, smell, and bliss out on. Sprawling grounds and countless collections present an endless array of greens and flowers that entice and give pleasure. 

Magnolias are the first to herald spring’s arrival with their fragrant flowers. From March through April, these graceful trees bloom in an array of pastel colors - from luscious whites to pale yellows to deep pink and purple hues. 

Cherry blossoms and their cheerful pink and white blossoms follow shortly after the magnolias. A large and diverse planting of cherries is found all over New York and New Jersey. Even when they wilt and fall away they carpet the ground so prettily. 

Crabapples are just as delightful, flowering each year with masses of rich red, deep pink, or bright white blossoms. Ranging from mature gnarled old specimens, gracefully weeping forms, and others with proud branches reaching for the sky. 

On the ground more blooms abound in competition with the flowering trees. Whether decorative or edible, spring marks the beginning of the growing season as seeds are sown in fruit and vegetable beds. 

Even conifers and greens shine brightly in spring. Providing cover, shade and a background in which to showcase more growth. 

In gardens and parks, manicured or running wild, these blooms and greenery brighten our days. 

Indoors their beauty and scent delight our senses and brighten our homes. 

Beloved among our indoor plants are orchids which remind us of the tropical forests back home. 

Around our neighborhoods they are a source of pride and extend our home outdoors. 


With this spring bringing unusually warm weather, cities and towns anticipate a busy season.


Whether you are eager to garden, sail, swim, bike or join feasts and festivals, the Northern East Coast beckons locals and visitors alike. 

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