
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Comicon: costumes, cupcakes and camaraderie

The London MCM Comicon blew by last bank holiday weekend. London HQ of wonder | wander | women exchanged our usual Saturday shift at the museum to go meet some artists and enjoy the atmosphere of pure geekery.

Sonia Leong and Shazleen Khan of Sweatdrop Studios

Of course no one needs to dress in costume, but it doesn't need much effort to create a simple idea that looks interesting and helps you blend in with the fandom tribes. In memory of Leonard Nimoy and as a nod to the new, more aggressive Spock played by Zachary Quinto, I went as Punk Spock. Ears are taped to points, eyebrows painted in with shadow and concealer, and a silver Science Officer badge with a blue V-neck finishes a classic Spock costume.

Punking up the look only required shrugging on a well-loved jacket from the Florence market and bloodying the knuckles a little with Vulcan green. The blue streak is hair chalk from a drugstore.

This relatively sedate costume raised no eyebrows, Vulcan or otherwise. The trains and streets heading toward the ExCel Centre were packed with fantastical characters from every fandom. It was the EuroCosplay 2015 competition that day, so the fans went all out!

A nine-tailed fox drops briefly to all fours to show off the full effect.

Superman spotted having a casual beer by the river with cousin Supergirl.

The mantra of cosplay is 'Anything Goes'. I spotted characters from classic 90s anime...

Asuka and Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Another Asuka, with Rei from the same anime

 ...comics and cartoons...

Deathstroke from Teen Titans

Milo and Kida from Disney's Atlantis 

1940s Captain America from The First Avenger

...and some childhood heroes.

Mr. T!!! with Will Smith's Agent J from Men In Black,
and an excited fan.

Although many fans go to the convention to meet established artists working for the big names like Marvel and DC, there are also many fans who love to support Comicon's independent artists, who have fewer opportunities to get their work out there. These talented people don't just make comics - they sew, brew tea, bake cupcakes, even create their own customised candles, eyeshadow or perfume. 

The dashing steampunk ladies of Jujutreats will build you an emergency tea kit
or enchant you with beautiful home-made clear candles.

You could choose a sword from your favourite movie, show or comic and get it custom made or pick one immediately from the sets of ready made replicas.

 Lots of parents brought their little geeks with them, often in matching costume.

Proud mum Harley Quinn and her little Joker

A little Super Saiyan with outrageous 'hair'
(photographed with permission from his parents)

The best thing about going to Comicon in recent years is the sheer number of wonderful wandering women in the fan communities. Artists, cosplayers, celebrities and fans made a huge rainbow of women of every type. It was a thrill to see so many women fans! They turned out, as Spock would say, with infinite diversity in infinite combinations.

wonder | wander | women raises their Q10 mug of Emergency Steampunk Tea to the female geeks. May the Sisterhood be with you.

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