
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bryant Park NYC

Around the world this week we celebrate Veteran's Day, Diwali, and 11/11/11. Whatever each occasion signifies for each individual wonder | wander | women are happy to celebrate them with you.

Bryant Park, Summer 2015

The end of October also marked the opening of the Bryant Park Winter Village. This New York City midtown winter wonderland includes The Rink, the holiday shops, the artists walks, Celsius, Le Carrousel, and more.

The latest bunch of photos we took was late this summer as we cut through the park on our way home.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the New York City Landmarks Law, designating Bryant Park a scenic landmark, and The New York Public Library an individual landmark

The Croton Distributing Reservoir and Square

Bryant Park lies between Grand Central Terminal and Port Authority Bus Terminal, as such it is an ideally placed go-to destination. 

New York City Public Library

Located between 5th and 6th Avenues and 40th and 42nd Street in Midtown NYC, it is a year round pocket haven for visitors, residents and the working masses in the city. 

Jugglers in front of the statue of poet, editor, civic reformer 
and park namesake, William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878). 

Urban Jungle Transport

Many city parks are in their second or third lives, having served other purposes prior to their acquisition by the Department of Parks and Recreation. 

Most of them have interesting stories to tell about their former uses. A few highlights about Bryant Park serve as reminders that everything has a history, sometimes scandalous, sometimes sad, and sometimes silly.

Bible thumpers and their uncaptured audience.
Park trash generated daily.

The City of New York established a potter's field, a burial place for unknown or indigent people, on the site of modern day Bryant Park in 1823. The potter's field continued to be used until 1840. 

Around that same time, between 1839 and 1843, the Croton Distributing Reservoir was built where the New York Public Library now stands, on the east side of the park. The land of the former potter's field became Reservoir Park in 1847. 

The reservoir, which was the city's prime water source for a time, was removed in the 1890s. In 1884, the park was renamed Bryant Park for New York Evening Post editor William Cullen Bryant

Through the years we've witnessed and enjoyed many events at this venue. From sunshine filled coffee breaks to Yoga at the Park, featuring a sea of enthusiasts afloat on their colored mats. 

From sipping warm cocoa as puffy snowflakes melted on skaters heads and on the busy sidewalks all around us. To delighted finds from local artists selling their wares in the crystalline glass holiday shops. 

Thought to be the first major NYC monument dedicated
to a woman - the 
Josephine Shaw Lowell Memorial Fountain

Watching the light change through the prism of showering droplets from the park's central fountain reminds us of the purpose served here, past and present. 

These are a few of our favorite things - Happy Holidays to all! 

Guardians at the gates. 

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