
Tuesday, September 6, 2016


September 6 is National Read A Book Day and on the 16th it's Read An eBook Day.

Following National Book Lover's Day last August 9th, wonder | wander | women rejoice and cheer readers on.

Collage Art by Mahala Urra

We LOVE books! We LOVE to read! We LOVE our bookwormness! Readers of the world rule! 

National Read a Book Day invites us ALL to grab a book we might enjoy and spend the day reading.

Art by Mahala Urra

The first celebration of Read a Book Day was around the end of the first decade of 2000. Although its origins are uncertain it was most likely the idea of a parent, teacher, or librarian. Almost certainly someone encouraging a youngster to start reading. 

Triumph of Achilles, Corfu

Our mom instilled a love of reading in us early on. We lived in an isolated island with constant power outages and violent storms. With six children it was a great way to keep the home quiet and clutter free. 

When I was pregnant with Mahala, I read to her a lot. When she was born she loved books immediately. By two she could read the newspaper even if she could barely grasp what they printed. 

Together we fell into the wild and glorious worlds of Dr. Seuss, discovered Greek and Roman heroes, read fables, myths, and legends, explored fantastical realms, both real and imagined, poured through intricate illustrations of dictionaries and encyclopedias. 

We were in love! We were insatiable! We devoured it ALL in great awe. The bonds we forged then interweave in and out of our lives with many moments prompting learnings from those reading sessions together. 

Ever after our libraries are our most prized possession and resource. 

Read a Book Day is today. Carve time out of your life and relax with a good book. Cozy up in a nook, indoors or out. 

It doesn't matter where you read as long as you can do so in peace and comfort. Take your books to bed, read them and dream of them. Wake to their wisdom and be delighted and enlightened. 

Art by Mahala Urra

Make reading a lifetime hobby. It offers so many positive attributes. It's relaxing and therapeutic. It's educational. It's entertaining. It's boundless and ever expanding. 

There is nothing a beloved read can't cure. Curl up with a good book! 

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