
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

sticking to facts

President Barack Obama made his first public appearance since the end of his White House tenure on April 24, speaking at the University of Chicago on the subjects of fostering civic engagement and developing young leaders.

Watching him on stage - so natural and gracious - made us miss those glory days when he was our president and we were secure in our world no matter what we faced because this was the man who had our backs.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

urban refuge: Camley Street Natural Park

A secret nature sanctuary nestles on the site of old coal yards, just beside one of the busiest urban developments in London Kings Cross. Camley Street Natural Park was supposed to be turned into a parking lot for trucks servicing the station, but plant life had overgrown the area and local birds and animals had made their home there. The London Wildlife Trust lobbied for the partially-reclaimed wetlands to be turned into a nature reserve.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

flying friendly skies

With the loss of many of its luxuries and perks, traveling seems fraught with woes nowadays.

LA bound

Going through TSA was bad enough but these new viral images of some oriental dragged bleeding and bruised out of an airline speaks volumes to our deepest darkest fears.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

sakura season!

It's safe to say the wonder | wander | women are a little obsessed with cherry blossoms, or sakura as they're known in Japan. One of our favourite spring pastimes is hunting blossoms to photograph - you might have noticed them guest starring in our vernal equinox post!