
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

sakura season!

It's safe to say the wonder | wander | women are a little obsessed with cherry blossoms, or sakura as they're known in Japan. One of our favourite spring pastimes is hunting blossoms to photograph - you might have noticed them guest starring in our vernal equinox post!

The British are almost as crazy for cherry blossoms as the Japanese. The trees aren't planted as thickly but they are everywhere, from our next-door neighbour's garden...

every public park, from the vast botanical wonderland of Kew Gardens to tiny Endsleigh Gardens off the busiest road in London...

and even lining the streets.

We love the contrast between the abundance and fragility of the flowers - a single April shower can strip a tree, but in good weather the blossoms can grow so thick they weigh down the branches.

We love the shape of them, the colour and the texture. We take endless pictures from every angle.

And if we're brave enough and observant enough, we even try and draw them!

Happy hanami, everyone!

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