
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Rosh Hashanah 2017

Rosh Hashanah means "head [of] the year" and is the Jewish day of new year.

First day of fall. View of Manhattan from Edgewater NJ

In Jewish liturgy, Rosh Hashanah leads to Yom Kippur, which is described as "the day of judgment" (Yom ha-Din) and "the day of remembrance" (Yom ha-Zikkaron).

Festive Challah Bread by Breads Bakery

This year the holidays started with the first day of fall and the autumn equinox on the East Coast. What an auspicious way to celebrate this Season of Change!

As the solemnity of services drew to an end the mood grew festive and a Shabbat feast of especially prepared food was served to commemorate the occasion.

Rosh Hashanah Menu by Epicerie Boulud

Our feast this year was a Kosher menu created by Chef Daniel of Epicerie Boulud fame.

Matzo Ball Soup

Serving an abundance of seeds is symbolic of fruitful harvest and a prosperous year. The Medieval tradition of eating apples dipped in honey symbolizes a sweet year.

Green Apple Slivers & Honey

48-hour Braised Brisket on a bed of caramelized onions

The challah is served to commemorate manna that fell from the heavens is braided to represent the 12 tribes of Israel.

Noodle Kugel - egg custard with raisins

As we intoned the prayers and lit the candles in blessing our family gathered happily in grateful appreciation for the year past and in celebration of the coming new year.

Glazed Honey Apple Cake

May our lives be blessed as we continue to be a contribution in our communities.

Shanah Tovah!

 Yemenite style shofar
Yemen Style Shofar

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