
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wellcome Library and Reading Room

The Wellcome Library houses one of the most extensive collections of medical research in the UK, bringing in researchers from all over the planet.

The Library specialises in the history of medicine - if you're looking for John Snow's map of cholera contamination, treatises on 18th century dentistry, or accounts of the dawn of medicine when physicians were also astrologers, this is the place to look.

The Library is committed to open access, funding publishing costs for papers and creations based on Wellcome's research materials.

Their Digital Image collection is one of the most extensive in the world - partly thanks to their digitising book scanner, a mythical machine we were unable to see but which our tour guide told us was a match to the ones at Google.

The real-space collection at the Library is also impressive, with original paintings by old masters depicting the practice of medicine throughout the ages.

A few years ago Wellcome Collection opened their new Reading Room, a gorgeous visitor space that combines library, museum and events venue. Visitors can lie on a replica of Freud's couch, try out straitjackets and spectroscopes, or page through the books on Pain, Breath, Alchemy and other topics - including some massive folio reproductions with beautiful medieval art.

So drop by for a life drawing class, a satisfying read, a day with your PhD topic or even a visit to the dentist's office (circa 1920). wonder | wander | women wish you good luck in your investigation!

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