
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

war of art | Oscars 2018

Art imitates life and at the Oscars this year this was more glaringly so in all the issues raised and celebrated by a select community that the world looks to as its microcosm.

Amidst the hooplah and bright lights of the Oscars both rising and reigning stars raised their voices and bent our focus on issues and concerns that have been troubling us all.

Awash in the elegance and spectacle of a night at the Oscars many found the humanity and grace to acknowledge challenges, heed the call, and celebrate our greatness.

It felt like a bright beacon of hope shining to drive out the darkness that has encroached too heavily on us lately. A true celebration worthy of our attention.

Like many wonder | wander |women lost interest in the Oscars as movies grew too commercialized and mediocre.

We loved making movies and the years we devoted in the industry made us hurt too much. Seeing our idol so muddied - it was disappointingly heart breaking.

But the night even tackling worthwhile issues like #metoo, #timesup, #neveragain, were a joyous cause for celebration.

Women, Race. LGBT. Immigrants. Equality. What have you - all were well represented and honored.

How many times was Meryl Streep singled out and called to as she reigned as the evening's chosen queen? Too many we lost count.

The musical scores performed were ecstatic calls of uplifting hope honoring all human beings. This Is Me. Mighty River. Mystery of Love. Remember Me.

The host Jimmy Kimmel and many awardees thanked their audience and movie goers with an over the top celebration train taking food and stars across to a nearby theater. What a hoot that was!

Frances McDermot's acceptance speech had as all looking up her closing words - "inclusion rider".

Guillermo del Toro's speech for "the Shape of Water" so profoundly brought home our own reason and cause for dreaming. "Erase the lines in the sand." "This is a door - kick it open and come in."

Gary Oldman brought home the reality of being an immigrant in such a real and deep way when he finally got an Oscar after 20 years playing Winston Churchill.

Young and old, new and not - everyone was truly touched and left feeling elated.

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