
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter Weekend in the US

Across the pond in the East Coast the weather is undecided at best and schizoid at its worst.

George Washington Bridge, Hudson River & NYC skyline

This Easter weekend was classic. Mother Nature had her April Fools Day fun on our behalf.

March full blue moon over New York City 

Friday it was blustery. Saturday was sunny. Sunday was overcast. Monday it snowed.

It seems every successive winter grows harsher. We had four Nor'easters this March. wonder | wander | women have been tracking our US winters since we started this blog in 2014.

Our family get together this year was a celebratory mix of birthday, vacation, and holiday treats.

Gummy candy biblical plagues - blood, darkness, frogs, vermin, etc. 

Our Easter weekend started with the birthday celebration of our first born on Passover. Under the light of a full blue moon overlooking George Washington Bridge and the New York City skyline.

Our family's first born gather round

We were blessed with having three generations of first born present too - sister/aunt, niece/cousin, and grand/nephew.

Symbols of the four kinds of child

Friday was an inter faith get together as well with friends and family from the Philippines and the United States.

Toy visors in the 10 biblical plagues

We had fun with our grand nephews reenacting the biblical epic of the exodus out of Egypt and the plagues with gummy candy and foam visors.

Picnic umbrellas out on the deck

Saturday was  a quiet day - brothers back in the city, parents out with the kids, sisters setting up for the next day's feast

Full moon rising over the NYC skyline

Easter Sunday we had a picnic out on the deck under our festive umbrellas. An all American barbeque complemented by traditional Philippine fiesta food.

Early spring berries

Roast pork, grilled chicken, deep fried spring rolls, mac and cheese, potato and coleslaw salads, hamburgers, hotdogs, all the toppings, corn muffins, rice and drinks to go with it all.

Spring violets buried in snow

After stuffing our face and taking our sweet time chatting and lazing the afternoon away we all pitched in to pack everything away before dispersing.

Warm indoors & snow outside

Batten down the hatches for the snow storm that arrived past midnight. We had fun waking up to pristine white snow for the kiddies to play around in.

A very different view under snow

Then it was off to New York City for the week and hopefully many more memorable adventures.

We'll keep you posted!

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