
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Doors of North America!

wonder | wander | women certainly made the most of our month together! Aside from travelling, visiting, talking and eating, we indulged ourselves in a feast of picture taking. There were so many lovely things to point our lenses at, but of course we sought out our favourite subject: doors!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

divine inspiration

OMG late post. . . . again. . . .for shame. 

Manhattanhenge Summer Solstice
Grand Central Station NYC - July 13

wonder | wander | women had a good reason though. We were in the throes of packing Mahala's stuff for her return back to the UK after a glorious month of togetherness in the US. 

Last day at our NYC apartment, July 16

OK ok - on with the show then. Let us get on with the next highlight of our lives. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

majestic Niagara Falls

As we woke back in our NYC base after our late midnight return from Georgia, wonder | wander | women review our photos and realize we are two weeks behind on our stories.

Niagara Falls, Ontario

WhaAAat? How'd that happen? Easy. We have been traipsing around. All over the place. Here there and everywhere.

To catch us all up we return to our Canada trip. Appropriately timed on Canada Day weekend this year. It was Mahala's first ever trip to Canada. Of course we all had to take her around.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy US Independence Day!

This year wonder | wander | women celebrate our reunion and the United States Independence Day by being grateful for freedom: the freedom to speak against oppression!

Photo courtesy of Boing Boing and Jessamyn West