
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

majestic Niagara Falls

As we woke back in our NYC base after our late midnight return from Georgia, wonder | wander | women review our photos and realize we are two weeks behind on our stories.

Niagara Falls, Ontario

WhaAAat? How'd that happen? Easy. We have been traipsing around. All over the place. Here there and everywhere.

To catch us all up we return to our Canada trip. Appropriately timed on Canada Day weekend this year. It was Mahala's first ever trip to Canada. Of course we all had to take her around.

Aerial View of Niagara Falls

Making sure she got to go to Niagara Falls. What a lovely experience this was for Mahala and me. To stand at the rim and take in all its vastness. That was such an expansive delight.

View of American Bridal Veil & Canadian Horseshoe Falls

To be physically at Niagara Falls. To feel Mother Nature's sheer force first hand. And witness the spectacular beauty of the twin falls with our very own eyes.

Horse Shoe Falls

Both the Canadian and American sides sat there gleaming under the summer sun. Canopied under their spray of rainbow spray of thundering mist. WoaWomen Urra now have this crossed off our bucket list.

Bridal Veil Falls

Lots of selfies. Even if the crowds who had the same idea were such a hassle to negotiate through and get out of the way of our framing.

Niagara Falls Food Strip

Lots of eating. Feeding the babies as well as all us hungry, sweaty, struggling adults. We made sure we were well fortified on this hot sunny day. Even for Canada it was a close to heat stroke day.

We had some yummy ice cream to cool us.

We were there on a long weekend holiday celebrating Canada Day. Which meant everyone and their grandma were there too. From wheelchairs to strollers, as well as any other mode of transport. We each co-mingled all too closely in that crowded crush.

topsy turvy house & hordes parking

Assuredly these were unusually high numbers for Canada. Rotten timing for those of us who had hoped to get away from it all. No such luck on this occasion.

Maria Spelterini walking a tightrope across Niagara Gorge

Who were we though to spite this natural world wonder? Formed by glaciers melt 10,000 years ago. The same force of nature that gave us our Great Lakes and Niagara River.

Panoramic Niagara Falls, circa 1921

We count ourselves truly blessed to be standing here - a part of all that majesty still alive and well to this day. Belated Happy Canada Day greetings to all.

In front of a very proper English Garden.

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