
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

a gloomy november - an illustrated post

Here in the Northern Hemisphere the weather is...bad.

In London it's wet. In New York it's snowing. Night falls at 4.30 pm, and the sun swings low in the sky like an anaemic pendulum - when it shows its face at all.

What's a wonder | wander | woman to do? We sit in a sun-catching window to soak up the heat.

We cook food with lots of vegetables - stir fries, soups and roasts.

We sit at our desk drawing with our feet on the radiator.

We make lots of hot drinks - chocolate, tea, and of course, coffee.

And then we put it all in a blog and share it with our friends. Have a cosy winter day - and if your country is sunny right now, soak up some sunshine for us!

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