
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

let SHEdom reign

wonder | wander | women love to share aspects of our lives from both sides of the world. East, where we were born and raised. West, where we have relocated and have our adoptive homes now. 

This blog title is lifted off a past one posted on a now defunct Google+ account. Too bad, so sad! 

Among other things we were highlighting an event where our sister / aunt was the keynote speaker at a local women's summit - along with the Vice President of our country. 

Philippines VP Leni Robredo: It's Not About Who Rules The World
Angelica Berrie: When You Touch Your Soul, You Become Fearless

Across the world, the Filipina Leadership Global Summit of Filipina Women's Network kicked off, celebrating the GlobalFWN100™ Awardees - Filipino female leaders creating change in the world of Filipinas in diaspora.

We've sure come a looong way baby!

We are resurrecting the sentiment of female power because [1] there is a great call to do so and [2] being women ourselves this is a cause near and dear to us.

Today we celebrate and share some of our iconic heroes who brought us love, light and laughter through the years. Women who have inspired and empowered us to do and be more.

Rebels. Warriors. Peacemongers.

Writers. Scientists. Adventurers.

Each and all wonderful women of substance and worth. Widely recognized or not, current or not - we see you.

We appreciate you. We are eternally grateful to have you in our lives.

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