
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Anno Mitsumasa, part 2

We've talked about Anno Mitsumasa's whimsical sense of humour and Western-influenced travel books. This week we look at the illustrator's more traditional work, his sense of drama and awareness of scenic beauty.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

healing & good vibes

Last week was dedicated to celebrating vibratory sound at the Shift Global Summit of Sound Healing for wonder | wander | women

Sitting with a week long wide range of sound healing therapies - deep listening and connecting with a variety of sessions with leading edge practitioners in the field.

Whether to clear dissonance in our bio field, to harmonize the flow of energy in the body, to restore health with vibratory frequency, and so much more.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Anno Mitsumasa at Japan House

Illustrator Anno Mitsumasa has been creating beloved children's books with incredible detail and a gentle sense of humour since the 1960s. wonder | wander | women were enthralled by his show Anno's Journey in Japan House this past week.

Courtesy of Japan House

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

seasonal sorrows | at the cusp

Switching seasons in a land of four seasons is something our wonder | wander | women tropical genes have yet to get used to. Even after a decade of life in our adopted homelands it still is a challenging shift we feel in every cell of our body.

this side of the pond - Edgewater NJ

Inside and out we feel invaded by body snatchers, violated and abused. Subjected to wild roller coaster rides and loopy loops - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Shifting seasons turn us into a rebelling revolt of massive magnitude.

Mahala & Issa - Chiang Mai, 2007