
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

healing & good vibes

Last week was dedicated to celebrating vibratory sound at the Shift Global Summit of Sound Healing for wonder | wander | women

Sitting with a week long wide range of sound healing therapies - deep listening and connecting with a variety of sessions with leading edge practitioners in the field.

Whether to clear dissonance in our bio field, to harmonize the flow of energy in the body, to restore health with vibratory frequency, and so much more.

Culminating with an immersive sonic experience at the New York Open Center to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Integrative Sound and Music Certificate program.

An evening of free sound experience offerings - sound baths, instrumental concerts, vocal toning, and intention setting to highlight the sound healing program.

Most beliefs and cultures use music and sound for spiritual reasons. Spirit easily resonates with the profound practices and techniques, transforming overall well being from the inside out.

It was an illuminating gathering in an enjoyable group of partying enthusiasts and intense performances. Attendance was maxed out and with so many choices it was challenging which specific session to take part of.

All the more reason to keep returning to check out the program and what sound vibration has to offer. Medicine has used the concept of healing with sound for years, for acoustic therapy on a variety of illnesses and disease.

It is time to shift and expand this to preventive care and well being for all. Building a better world with each individual participant.

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