
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Black Lives Matter: turning grief into action

wonder | wander | women love living in a world full of diverse people, ideologies and principles. One of the reasons we moved to an international community was because we wanted to absorb other people's experiences, especially those who had grown up marginalised and silenced and were now growing and rejoicing in their new lives.

Black Lives Matter: Please donate

Now that community is shattered because some people who we hoped would protect citizens in already dangerous times decided to kill citizens instead. What we didn't see were all the other deaths that went unreported or ignored, with only family and friends to lend their few voices against the overwhelming authority.

Art by Sacrée Frangine

The black community is weathering a lot of backlash from neighbours who have never been chased, threatened or harassed by those in power, admonishing them that 'anger is the last resort'. Anger is indeed the last resort. Every other avenue has been exhausted.

Letters to the proper authorities ignored or reviled. Lawsuits demolished by millions of dollars behind powerful opponents. Peaceful protests over decades, dispersed with tear gas and rubber bullets (aimed to severely disable unarmed protesters, instead of simply stop them marching). Quiet sit-ins destroyed with water cannons, clearing the path for a photo-op from a Presidential Pharisee. And friends and neighbours who will not believe the oppression they have not experienced.

Cartoon by Stuart Carlson
Please sign petitions for justice here

We still offer peaceful solutions. Please donate for justice. YouTubers are offering their platforms because in an economy bitterly hit by a devastating pandemic, many citizens can't spare the cash to support their neighbours. Now you can watch these videos with ad blockers off, to generate revenue for charity.

Let love win. Love your neighbour. Like Jesus in the Temple, who overturned the moneylenders' tables out of anger for desecrating a place of worship, let us remember that anger does not replace love, it can also grow from it. Help each other, believe each other, and turn grief into action.

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