
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

spring creeping up!

It's been a freezing few months, with snow, fog and winds keeping us from walking around our neighbourhoods. But in London at least, there are signs that spring is moving in again.

The signs started at home, when I noticed that the pine tree I bought over Christmas was starting to put out new growth.

Then after a week of chilly fog, the sun emerged and I noticed birds starting to investigate the garden. The pigeons and crows had been around all winter, but now that the ground had thawed there were bugs to eat again!

It's hard to see a brown jay in the crook of a bare tree, even though it is pretty big. But my feathered neighbours were very chatty and fidgety, and it was easy to find them by their noise and hopping back and forth.

There was even a pair of blue tits, although they were so tiny my phone camera could barely zoom in on them. Their loud, penetrating twitter made up for their mini bodies, echoing off the buildings and roofs!

Exercising at home is great when the weather is bad, but after a long time indoors it was good to go for a walk up the Kings Cross area to the canal near Granary Square. 

The square near the Google building was quiet and restful, with its modern fountains babbling away like a stream.

For some reason I really wanted to take pictures of these fire hydrants, called "dry risers" in the UK. Their knobs and bolts were fascinating and the bright red colour stood out against the granite buildings.

Near the canal there was a beautiful flowering tree! This city person still can't tell sakura from apple blossoms, but I'm always drawn to the flowering trees.

The flowers were still sparse and small. There weren't even buds on most of the branches. But it was a sign of more colourful days to come.

Other plants were also starting to put out some brave little blooms, a smattering of buds and flowers coming out after a long cold sleep.

When I got back home my cheeks and ears were tingling with cold, even wearing a warm hat and puffer jacket. But I was excited for a new season, and more days in the sun!

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