
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

round & round

Love is the intensive force that drives life - radiant and transformative life force. Tender and fierce. Nourishing and formidable. Unreasonable and unapologetic. 

Painted Wheel of the Year

All the stuff we hold dear and valuable as wonder | wander | women - elemental brujas, Bene Gesserits, wiccan advocates, babaylans. Benevolent conduits of love and light who have inherited a contentious history largely perpetuated by masculine ego and religious dogma. Boo! 

strange cloud patterns & close up of birds

Thursday, April 22, 2021

hope for the flowers

It's now been a year and a month since wonder | wander | women went into lockdown. Last year I was home with a month's worth of groceries, watching the cherry tree two streets over come into flower and then drop its blooms. I only saw it from my window, too anxious and disoriented to leave the house and cross the suddenly-silent city streets, even for our favourite flowers.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

blooms & colors redux

wonder | wander | women feel good to get back to regular sunny walks around the neighborhood, even if it's been slow and erratic to warm up. A year of lock down and sheltering in place has made the winter seem colder and gloomier than usual. 

at the corner of Gregory & Highpoint, Union City NJ

Passing through home gardens or viewing landscapes online - checking out all the current blooms of the season remains an ongoing joy. Even pesky allergies cannot dampen the excitement of being immersed in their sweet scents and riot of colors

at the New York Botanical Garden, 2021

Thursday, April 8, 2021

legend of the BAKUNAWA

wonder | wander | women love watching the turns of the seasons and the phases of the moon; we're fascinated by the many legends around the world that explain these changes.

art by Mahala