
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

New Jersey staycation

Our Lincoln Center jaunt was such a good time - and just in time too, as the looming threat of Omicron finally descended on Broadway and shut the bright lights for several weeks. On top of that, I caught a virus (we tested to make sure it was not THE virus) and we had the first big snow of the new year.

What were two homebodies to do? Naturally, walk around the neighbourhood and enjoy our time at home!

The reservoir is home to many waterfowl and provides a nice long lane for walking, jogging and sightseeing. You can see the towers of Manhattan just over the water.

There are many beautiful and historic houses in New Jersey; the houses here are commonly Victorian architecture, which means a much more varied style than Victorian houses in Britain.

Shingles, gables, sweeping roofs and bay windows create the distinctive look of the East Coast American home.

Several of the houses and public buildings are in fact old churches, still with their stained glass windows and bell towers.

Many of the houses have little decorative flourishes, like these adorable swan pots.

Some have imposing door guardians, like these fu dogs.

Others have pretty but less sturdy animals, like this poor garden peacock that was blown into the fence by the Hudson River wind.

Unlike in New York, it's rare to see a residence made of brick. This beautiful house looks more like the British version of Victorian than the American one.

This sight was familiar enough - the old Hudson Church on Monastery Place, still closed but standing sentinel at the end of the road.

The local fire and emergency response station is manned by North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue. It's a beautiful and well-maintained old building that looks straight out of our visions of an American fire station.

We couldn't resist taking a picture of the emergency first response staff we saw sitting outside on the cheery Christmas bench, chatting and sharing pictures on their phone. Thanks for your service, ladies!

We also stopped by Ellsworth Park and saw this monument to the fallen soldiers and sailors of World War I who came from Hudson County. 

Union City Post Office Building on Palisade Avenue

It's a comfortable riverside city with a great view and nice neighbours, and I look forward to coming back again soon!

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