
Thursday, July 7, 2022

7:7 energy gateway

Every year during the first week of July, a sacred gateway of energy is activated between Earth and the star Sirius, bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements.

Sirius is considered Earth's spiritual Sun and is 23 times brighter - adding much needed light at a time when the Sun is furthest from our planet.

EarthSky | Garth Battista at Catskill Mountains NY

In ancient Shamanic cultures, Sirius was believed to be the realm of the gods and a gateway to heaven. When it was closest to Earth, we can journey through the gateway in order to collect divine messages. 

wonder |wander | women are taking our hiatus from a world run amok - sheltering in place, away from the heat and crowds. We prefer to be more contemplative in our celebration this summer month. 

Earth & Sirius

Every year during the first week of July, a sacred gateway of energy is activated between Earth and the star Sirius - bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements.

The double 7:7 this July is another energy gateway which calls us back into relationship with our self. It holds a gentle and introspective energy that brings forth true personal healing if allowed to. 

hologram by Dima

This is a time of introspection - our time to go within. Carve out enough quiet time each day - to just be. Barreling head on is less important than finding a new perspective. 

Ignore this call and risk pushing in the wrong direction. Seven is our encouragement to course correct by tuning deeply into oneself.

Today is an ideal time for meditation, sound bathing, manifesting, journaling, and self-healing. This high-frequency energy can be harnessed by engaging in things that will refuel and energize - like walking in nature, cleansing and quieting the mind.

Trust and have complete faith that what is required will be revealed.

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