
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

three card draw 2022

On August 8 the Sun in Leo and the bright star Sirius create its annual cosmic alignment known as the Lion’s Gate Portal

This spiritual vibe is amplified even more intensely this year, with the full moon in Aquarius and Leo on August 11. 

awake, ascend, activate

The portal is open from July 26 to August 12 - giving us plenty of opportunity to manifest and realize our sacred intentions within this powerful energetic window. 

One of the most profound gifts this pandemic lockdown has afforded us is the space to recover and discover our inner and outer selves. 

8:8 intention & affirmation

This can be done best with self-created ceremony and rituals that return the sacredness into our simplest actions. 

It was interesting to track the trajectory and progress between last year's three card draw and this new one for 2022 from a fave wonder | wander | women tarot deck - the Aquarian Tarot deck, illustrated by David Palladini.

8:8 & full moon reading

This three card draw divines [1] the current situation - the Two of Cups, [2] what obstacles cross the path - the Five of Rods, and [3] the future possibility or potential - the Fool tarot card.

The Two of Cups signifies a union of souls. Love, affinity, friendship - the harmony and union of spirit. A karmic tie [88] - the tantric union of opposites - a true and infinite love.

The Five of Rods - also referred to as Wands or Staves - represents initiative, ambition, drive, and desire. Enterprise and risk-taking - the struggle of ambitions maneuvering against a competitive urge. To be the best and serve well - being a contribution and not in service to ego at the expense of others.

The Fool is the first card in the Major Arcana - denotes a pilgrimage toward self-knowledge and eventual wisdom. The drive and energy that moves us toward deeper self-realization. The inner force that influences our individual choice and outer expression.

The Sabian Symbol for the full moon on August 11 is Leo 20. The Zuni sun worshipers. This constitutes spirituality, tradition, faith, belief in a higher order, naivete.

Ritual is the alchemical process that brings us into alignment with the natural world and its sacred energies. This image reminds us to give thanks to the life-giving and death-dealing power of the Sun - our source of light and life.

create your own self affirming ritual

This Aquarius super moon (the last for the year) connects us to the sacred powers of earth and sky. Reminding us our regal Leo nature is here to contribute to the well-being of the community of Mother Earth’s children.

Just as cosmic King and Queen mediated between heaven and earth - each of us are called to do the same. In Leo, we can own our royal nature and be a bridge to a larger consciousness.

We are at a crossroads - with five planets and the lunar nodes in a grand fixed cross - we are challenged to heal old ancestral wounds and to clean up our mess. The choice is ours - time to remake the world.

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