
Monday, October 10, 2022

dimensional flow

Every year since 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) has organized a global campaign for World Mental Health Day on October 10. The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) announced the theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 is ‘Make mental health for all a global priority”. 

Aphrodite/ Venus Urania, Queen of Heaven

A day for all races not just for Columbus and other colonizers to blast their way through nature and what is natural. The Columbian Exchange embodies both the best and the worst of environmental and health results of contact, as well as the cultural shifts produced and its exponential results. 

The gift that keeps on giving to this very day - in the best and worst ways possible - in all its increments in between.

Columbus' large scale colonization & exploitation project

October 10 or 10:10 is also a stellar gateway of massive energy. The 10:10 portal is meant to help us open new doorways, step into a new frequency. These energies about approaching new beginnings and new opportunities with more intuitive sensitivity.

The 10:10 gateway is significant because it marks a turning point in human history. As we move from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius this portal can accelerate this process. The lower frequency energy of fear in the Piscean Age has been used by some for control, disturb or even try to stop humanity's ascension.

circle of time — aurora vortex

New energy in the Aquarian Age is one of love and union. As the lower energies crumble and fall away the 10:10 portal allows us to raise our vibration, increasing our frequency to connect with our higher destiny and realize our soul's purpose. 

In both hemispheres, we are embraced in our water element - hurricanes here in the west and topical typhoons in the east. Shrieking in undulating waves of surges and floods. Lashed by howling gales and torrential rain.

army chopper over Sanibel, Florida, Oct 08, 2022

Sea levels rise, snow caps melt, deltas flood and overflow. Water washing wildly world wide. We are drowning in cosmic tears of loss and grief. The softest element on earth a deluge of destruction, obstruction, eradication.

Nature in absolute rage as we cower in the face its chaos and challenge. Calling for change, courage, conviction. A force to be considered with compassion, collaboration, community. Slamming us with the need to return to balance and harmony.

Typhoon Noru/Ian flooding in San Miguel, Bulacan province. Reuters

Individual drops in the vast ocean that has existed since this planet was formed. That will continue on long after we have all turned to dust blown far away into the stars. Water within us and all around us, underneath the earth and overhead above us. Our source and our sustenance.

The reality of our purpose and our salvation. Like water we are alive when we are flowing. Let water enable us all to grow in ease and grace. Free, independent and in sync. Eternal and infinite, whole and complete.

drummers during Indigenous Peoples Day — AP/Elaine Thompson, 2017

We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the Garden. Her on earth, out in the galaxy, off in any and every dimension. Love, our water of life - to keep us alive, let us thrive in the dance of being and becoming.

Ulali - All My Relations

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