
Saturday, December 3, 2022

ingesting & digesting

The holidays are here - with feasting at its most stratospheric levels for the whole year. Instead of troubling over how much we are eating - how about focusing on a more purposeful and conscious approach to nurturing ourselves?

Eugene Gologursky - Getty Images for Macy’s Inc.

All too easily we get so caught up in the chaotic preparations and expected festivities. Do we even pause to think about what it is we would rather do for ourselves?

This is a good time to assess what is best for us - even and especially while we question how things are now. Reflect and contemplate - prior to ingesting without checking - or digesting what we would rather not.

@shayeweaver - Bergdorf Goodman display

The Shamans Cave recently discussed what we are occupied with ingesting nowadays. What do we expose ourselves to in our daily lives? Do we trust our body's intelligence to choose and decide what is best for us?

What energies do we absorb and digest during the day? What do we take in as nurturing for our body, mind, and soul? What is toxic and poisonous to us?

As we watch the news or engage in our circles - are we fed well? Are we are made sick, fearful, or angry?

Luis Guillén for Saks

What kinds of energy are we feeding off of? Do they serve us? What do we need to include and exclude as part of our diet.

Are we bingeing on hate or happiness? A very merry holiday to us all!

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