
Sunday, April 30, 2023

what we read & how it defines our storytelling

It's summer reading list time! For bookworms and nerdy story lovers like us wonder |wander | women we share this Longreads list with you. Questioning the Stories We Hold: A Reading List Inspired by Annie Ernaux.

Illustration by Krista. Images by Getty Images.

“Annie Ernaux reminds me that sometimes things find their meaning only in hindsight.” by Bekah Waalkes - January 19, 2023.

As Sheila Heti writes in the New York Times“Most memoirs operate as if the past were right there and can be looked at, like a painting on the wall. But Ms. Ernaux understands that one’s 18-year-old self is a stranger to one’s 70-year-old self.” 

Monday, April 24, 2023

art process: testing pens

Every illustrator has their favourite medium, and mine is pen and ink. I love the fluid colours of digital art and the temperamental, surprising whims of watercolour, but my heart belongs to the simple beauty of the ink line. 

"The Dot and the Line: A Romance in
Lower Mathematics", Chuck Jones, 1965

Sunday, April 16, 2023

ceremony & celebration

EcoDeo held a sound healing session at a new venue in our home island back in the Philippines on April 14. Hosted by Silent Sage Yoga Center in the heart of Bacolod City

It was a treat to conduct this sonic immersion and sound bath which uses vibration and resonance of different instruments to relax both body and mind. To dissolve our awareness and restore inner harmony through rhythm, beat, and melody. 

traveling tools of sound

To effectively shut down mind chatter and clear out mental clutter - where neither exists, a state of silence is attainable. 

It was an added treat that the Sikh New Year festival of Vaisakhi or Baisakhi fell on this auspicious date. Originally a spring harvest festival celebrated in the northern Indian state of Punjab. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

the heART of Spring

It has been a hard winter and a cold, wet spring. Despite the joyful work we do on our lives every day, there are times when we feel a little resentful, heartsick and lonely.

Robin in diary