
Monday, July 31, 2023

breaking bread

Lammas Day celebrated every August 1 is the first of three autumn harvest festivals that falls between summer solstice and autumn equinox. It is known as Loaf Mass Day to Christians and Lughnasadh which is the name used for one of the eight sabbats in the Neopagan Wheel of the Year

The other two harvest festivals are Mabon and SamhainLammas was historically a festival that celebrated the first wheat harvest of the year.

Lunar Lammas 2023

It was a time of gratitude and celebration for the abundance of the land and the fruits of agricultural labor. Communities would come together to harvest the crops and bake the first loaves of bread using the newly harvested grain.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

travel thrills

wonder | wander | women aspire to an itinerant lifestyle surrounded by globe-trotting family and friends. Yet even the most seasoned traveler can easily succumb to boredom or weariness, worry or stress. 

Pandemics, extreme weather, over-crowded long-haul flights can easily be an aggravation. Leaching the spark and joy out of any adventure. 

view from the airport lounge before takeoff - Manila, Philippines

Determined to keep our outlook and journeys fresh, we practice beginner's mind and mindfulness to help us ease off our comfort zones and provide some new travel experiences. 

Our latest flight on Turkish Airlines has renewed our faith in traveling once more. Flying out of the Philippines and heading to New York via Istanbul we were rerouted due to a passenger emergency. 

the largest international airport in the world - Istanbul, Turkey

Saturday, July 15, 2023

birthday bliss

It's been six months and this long drawn visit of wonder | wander | women finally comes to an end - all too soon. Especially as it's been a week closing with several birthday activities. Intimate one on ones, group meet ups, family gatherings. 

It's just never enough - no matter how well prepared or purposefully planned. Stormy weather, blustery winds, and hard rain all week are not the best send off at all. 

clouds clearing overhead

Good thing our little island knows best how to host a fun fiesta and have a blast of fun. Food, food, lots of incredible food. Friends, family, all our relations. At home, out and about, or out of town. Whatever, however, forever! 

Monday, July 3, 2023

Bali bliss

It seems like the whole world is back to flitting and flying - vacationing any and every where humanly possible. Taking to the air in record numbers - as pandemic fears fade and restrictions are lifted all around the world. 

Day 1 at our Bali home for the week , Manyi Village Ubud

Summer fling flung floom! A welcome boom for the travel business even if the sudden glut after three years of bare movement has caused major adjustments and problems.