
Saturday, July 15, 2023

birthday bliss

It's been six months and this long drawn visit of wonder | wander | women finally comes to an end - all too soon. Especially as it's been a week closing with several birthday activities. Intimate one on ones, group meet ups, family gatherings. 

It's just never enough - no matter how well prepared or purposefully planned. Stormy weather, blustery winds, and hard rain all week are not the best send off at all. 

clouds clearing overhead

Good thing our little island knows best how to host a fun fiesta and have a blast of fun. Food, food, lots of incredible food. Friends, family, all our relations. At home, out and about, or out of town. Whatever, however, forever! 

Aging has been such a gift - being in our 60s is such a liberating experience. Released from trying to fit into a mold that was never ours. Reprieved from having to find a language that doesn’t continually offend. 

Finally free - I can say whatever I want to say and no one cares. 

pink & purple evening sky

I love growing up but living and working in the world leaves us more often than not struggling against something. Whether it was to find our own voice or to support the voices of others there was always the strain to succeed. 

Finally fitting into our own skin. 

Arriving now in this collaborative pocket reveals the power a caring community provides. People coming from different cultural traditions, working together to find a deeper meaning and purpose about what it means to be human. 

daytime moon over a bamboo grove, Matab-ang River

Doing our best to excel at our individual humanity surrounded by others striving to do the same so we can all thrive together. 

That sure is worth waking up for and pursuing every single moment. Birthdays are a great day to be reminded of this. 

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