
Sunday, December 31, 2023

El Anatsui at the Tate Modern

One of the most famous museums in the world, London's Tate Modern was once a massive coal power plant that supplied power to the City of London and the Southbank. Since it was turned into a museum of modern art, the Tate Modern's impressive Turbine Hall provides the perfect space for ambitious contemporary artists wanting to create monumental work.

Technicians installing El Anatsui's The World

Monday, December 18, 2023

midwinter vigil

Yule is a twelve-day festival beginning December 20th - Mother’s Night, when the celebration of Yule officially starts.

This is the day known as Mōdraniht in Old English, and Mother’s Night in modern - we honor and offer thanks to our female ancestors, those who watch over our families and help us in times of need.

Edgewater, New Jersey, 20 December 2023

The winter solstice is often seen as the pivot on which the year rotates, the shortest day followed by the longest night after which the days grow longer again. The solstice is a pause at the darkest part of the year. The power of incubation and Gaia’s darkness are gratefully honored at this festival as the Sun returns.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

year end 2023

The holy days are the oasis of our soul where we ritually recalibrate ourselves - express our full spectrum of expression, our innate being, in worship and devotion. Rejoice! For the Light is birthed once more as we rediscover body and divinity are one and the same. 

There is the breath of the holy passes our lips - a kiss of renewal on every brow, a cry of awareness kindled, the fresh taste of wonder ignites awe - sparking joy within, reborn on this day.

cathedral in Imus, Cavite

Infused with joy and sublime gratitude, our choices and actions made more potent. Rites of celebration and honor open the weave - inviting all the tender ways of the sacred. The unbroken ancestral connection back to ourselves.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

National Galleries of Scotland: Modern One and Two

Last October wonder | wander | women took the train up to Scotland for the second time this year to see our good friends the Milligans. They had generously offered to host me when I mentioned coming back to see the tapestries at Stirling Castle.

countryside flooding, seen from train

Of course we didn't expect when we booked the trip that I would arrive in the middle of Storm Babet, a massive rainstorm that battered the North Coast and turned the creeks and pathways of Scotland and Northumbria into rivers. 

the North Sea battering coastal villages

Half the trains running that day had been cancelled. Luckily ours wasn't, but it crept up the countryside delayed by almost an hour, advancing at a cautious pace through icy sheets of rain.