
Sunday, December 10, 2023

year end 2023

The holy days are the oasis of our soul where we ritually recalibrate ourselves - express our full spectrum of expression, our innate being, in worship and devotion. Rejoice! For the Light is birthed once more as we rediscover body and divinity are one and the same. 

There is the breath of the holy passes our lips - a kiss of renewal on every brow, a cry of awareness kindled, the fresh taste of wonder ignites awe - sparking joy within, reborn on this day.

cathedral in Imus, Cavite

Infused with joy and sublime gratitude, our choices and actions made more potent. Rites of celebration and honor open the weave - inviting all the tender ways of the sacred. The unbroken ancestral connection back to ourselves.

Half of the Earth's quest for regenerative healing takes place in dormancy and darkness with the advent of winter solstice. Needing us fallow with the land and trees as much as our activism in its protection.

giant lanterns of San Fernando, Pampanga

Dark holy days are restorative and deepening - especially attuned and in tune with our body's phases. Moments of heightened consciousness - as we emerge from the womb, born or giving birth, bleeding or not, coming of age and dying.

Our tender bodies the microcosm in an ever expanding world - birthing and bringing the cosmos into being, in vastness and eternity. Independent and free we find fulfilment and thrive - nurtured and invested in our wellbeing.

city plaza lights, Bacolod, Negros Occidental

In the depths of cave time, when the silver glow of moon shadow and the leaping heart fires of home comfort us, we gather fibers to knit our communities whole. ~ Molly Remer © Mother Tongue Ink 2022 from We'Moon 2023 page 168.

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