
Saturday, July 6, 2024

sacred reciprocity

How we do anything is how we do everything. In the flow and cycle of life - all is interconnected. Give and take, ebb and flow, high and low. An infinite loop of reciprocal exchange. 

Yet all too often we no longer remember this - much less prioritize it in our lives. Like all universal laws though - ignorance of the law does not exempt us from it. 

birthday bouquet

It takes incredibly little to keep the balance or shift the energy to get back on track. Often it's as simple a disrupting or distracting oneself. Walk in nature, bake a cake, take a bracing shower. 

Birthday months have a way of calling our attention - so listen up folks. Maybe it's because heavenly bodies are aligned the closest to when we were born - who knows? 

2024 has not been an easy year for many - we are feeling the rub and friction of matters no longer in alignment. It is a time of loosing our footing and discovering new ways and paths of being. 

The familiar may no longer be a proper fit - change can be more chaotic and fraught - we still grieve too many deaths too close to us. Not much space or time to recover, revive, renew. 

With the moon in Cancer between June 20 and July 22 we feel the need for a nourishing healing touch more so than ever. Our earth bound selves are parched and provoked while seeking and searching for more and better. 

All the more reason for illumination and therapeutics - good medicine to protect and guide us. Harness ancient wisdom to clarify and nurture future vision. Supporting and vindicating our innate instinct. 

We are complete and perfect - we just need to be still in silence, removing noise and interference. To release and let be - fly free and be liberated. 

Shine bright into the void and reach for that perfection that is you - infinite and forever. 

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