
Monday, August 26, 2024

Virgo is a verb!

wonder | wander | women have never been conformists. We are rebel resisters of coloring within bounds. Choosing to break free of patriarchal misogynistic overlords. Where others opt for "polite" or "polished" we revolt over as restrictive and binding. 

M&I - Mother's Day 2024

Parenting styles around us were not ideal or a good fit - too authoritarian and domineering, yet lacking definition or boundaries - in our opinion. We gave up, broke free, and created our own personal option. 

Through the years we learned along the way - hunting and pecking around, trial and error, exploring and expanding. Against all odds we cobbled together a form and format we could live with and thrive in. 

M&I collage through the years

Nothing resembling our traditional or conventional upbringing - that's for sure, though it worked better for us wild and mad women. With Mahala's birthday coming around we are in a festive fever - celebrating yet another change in our orbits. 

As someone who never imagined we'd make good parental material - our lives have unfolded with boundless surprise and delight. Together we are definitely more than the sum of our individual parts. 

Mahala in NYC, 2018

Unconventional and different yet thoroughly fulfilling. Our only challenge is carving out more time together and still create the space for our individual and independent pursuits. 

Each year inspires and moves us forward - from core unit, to family, to cozy nest, to shared community in separate continents. All is well in our world as we adventure on - exploring and sharing delights and discoveries with each other. 

art by Mahala, August 2024

Ebb and flow, wax and wane, shift and change - we merrily move along. Educating ourselves as we go - by winging it at times in DIY style, throwing ourselves at life as test subjects, finding comfort and grace in each other's embrace. 

That's the way we love and are beloved. Love is our medicine, formula, and solution. All of it, all the time, always. May we all find and be in this bliss. Happiest of birthdays to this magical child! 

May we have many more occasions to celebrate.

NYC lounge lizard

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