
Monday, November 18, 2024

weaving our web of life

In 2016, a bunch of people who'd worked in the federal government and knew where the pressure points are, came together as Indivisible - to organize and inform activists resisting the incoming administration.

With Trump back in office - again and worse, Indivisible is back - bigger and better. With a new guide for interested individuals and concerned communities.

strategies, tactics & tips to get us through this

People are gathering their networks, their toolkits, their resolve, their superpowers - fortified by a healthy dose of humor, to face what needs to be faced.

Another option would be to gather together and discover how engagement and awakened action are as varied as we each are. This is a time we can honor and explore the gifts each one of us brings as our own expression of Awakened Action.

Join in this remarkable series of teachings on social and environmental action in our imperiled world.

Join this powerful group of wisdom elders

Recognizing that each of us holds a piece of the mosaic that makes our communities in all their blessed diversity whole. We do this in the face of crushing wars and the collapse of democracy in so many places - including in our own country.

How do we keep the open space of democracy open? How do we cultivate language that expands our hearts, rather than constricts them? How do we find beauty in a broken world by creating beauty in the world we find? 

a timely & valuable reminder from Tao & Zen

How do we find the inner strength to not look away from all that is breaking our hearts? This, too, is awakened action. Grief too is love - this is our guiding light and mantra.

There is so much love here.

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