
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

a visit to the Savoy

This month wonder | wander | women had drinks with hometown friends at the world famous Savoy Hotel.

Photo courtesy of

We spent the evening in the Beaufort Bar, sipping cocktails, discussing the art and designer market and listening to piano stylings by the scintillating Sarah Hawkyard. Enjoying some glam life!

Photo courtesy of Mgm Villar

We ended quite late, but the wonderful Joseph who ran the cloakroom was still able to give us a tour of the function rooms.

The tea shop was closed, but the edible dioramas were too photogenic to resist! 

The function rooms all referenced Gilbert & Sullivan musicals from the classic days of the Savoy Theatre: Iolanthe, Penzance, Mikado and so on.

They were each furnished according to a theme, but all of them were lavishly stocked for an epic tea party! The corridors were lined with gorgeous costume designs in watercolour.

The legendary illustrator and theatre designer Charles Ricketts created these costumes for the BBC's 1926 production of the Mikado.

Altogether it was a brilliant evening and we look forward to enjoying another Victorian Sling or Pomelo Gimlet with good friends.

Photo courtesy of Jessica Ho-Calvo

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