
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hail Hillary!

wonder | wander | women woke bright and early, eager and excited to cast our vote for our candidate on this crucial election day.

On the walk to the voting center the sun shone bright, the air was clear, the world was pregnant with possibility.

Our hearts full to bursting with love for this country, the beacon of hope for the rest of the world that seems to be on tilt right now.

Even after a year and a half under fire and in the trenches, we were enthused and inspired, all fired up!

We voted. happy, secure, and confident. Never did we doubt that our hopes and dreams were best placed in our candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Today we wake to a dreary, drippy, gray day that mirrors the tears we wept inconsolably when we heard the news of our defeat.

We cry because our noble hero who fought continuously and tirelessly for us all was not chosen by the rest of our country. This was a personal blow to us.

We are bereft in our grief that all we hold dear - the causes, values and vision we shared - were not enough to turn the tide of Trump mania. Shocked and mystified that dark won over light in our nation.

That all an unqualified orange buffoon had to do was shut up and lie low for the last few days leading up to election and it was enough to win the race. What does that say of our lot?

While this icon who lived her life dedicated to this country has to defend herself against all those who love to hate her. This country that bravely voted the first black president into office failed to support its first female contender.

We hail Hillary! Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, presidential candidate - our hero. 

We console ourselves with the hope that if Donald Trump can become president of the United States anything is possible. 

Depressed, disheartened and disappointed, we choose to go high! 

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