
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

winter woes

We are at that point in the winter season when the magic of snow is outweighed by the dreary slush of ice and rain.

Winter Whites

Talk show hosts make fun of the US celebration of Groundhog Day as an utterly ridiculous American ritual.

Even when groundhog predictions have failed more often than succeeded it remains front page news every year.

A week's forecast on AccuWeather

One weird practice whose significance has only gotten weirder as the weather has become so weird. This year the groundhog looked for his shadow and six more weeks of winter was declared. BOO!

Winter sky over Weehawken NJ

We had storm threats over Presidents' Day weekend. It snowed on Monday. The sun shone bright on Tuesday. It's scalding on Wednesday. The rest of the week is rain, rain, rain.

Valentine's Day Storm

This schizoid weather has the whole world on edge. Barring those who claim there's no such thing as climate change. How we wish!

Weehawken, New Jersey

Road conditions turn dicey. Flight delays due to de-icing. Farms fear induced early budding could be compromised by more frost and snow in March.

Williamsburgh Bridge, Brooklyn 

Giving birth to sensationalist labels like bomb cyclone, polar vortex, arctic express, atmospheric river, extensive ice blizzards, lake effect snow machine. Bummer news all around.

Ice on the Hudson River

No wonder they call it the winter doldrums. See what you can do to stay bright and cheery.

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