Thursday, April 2, 2020

distant socials

It seems like only a little while ago we were looking forward to the clocks moving forward and the sun coming out. Now in isolation, we cherish the times we spent with each other in natural sunlight and fresh air.

We especially treasure the times we spent with friends who we only saw a few times a decade. We marked radical or incremental changes in each other, and made new memories to enjoy.

We had our 'museum friends' who we couldn't wait to share new experiences and events with. It's fun to explore a place through someone else's eyes as well as your own.

A friend means a new point of view! Having company means having more reasons to look up, look around, and pay attention to someone else's world.

We celebrate our differences and also the things we have in common. We enjoy our closeness and also our separateness.

We love to introduce visiting friends to our favourite sights, seeing them again for the first time. We love to visit friends abroad and feel like a local in a place we've never been.

Now we can't travel or share a space, but we're reaching out more, becoming more connected than ever. We can also play games with technology that we couldn't do in person.

From social distancing to distance-socialising, using apps, cameras and devices, we're creating a virtual togetherness to overcome the miles between us.

Someday we'll break bread together at the same table again, and we'll have learned to appreciate the space we make for ourselves and each other so much more.

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