Monday, July 29, 2024

audacious & vivacious Olympics 2024

The spectacular extravaganza at the opening ceremonies for the Olympics 2024 in France was wild, wonderful and wondrous. Controversial, hilarious and quite telling in how it was received and how folks perceived the audacious and flamboyant presentation and performance. 

Just like the circus of politics around the world today - reactions and sensitivities are both too close too the surface as well as often too superficial yet overblown. 

opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 26, 2024,
Paris. (Ludovic Marin/Pool Photo via AP)

Is ignorance bliss? or is it the road to hell through "good" intentions? Savior or savage? Save or salvage? Too similar and so very different. Burdened with heavy issues and concerns we all seem to be taking things too seriously yet not significantly enough. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

the art of life: character design

wonder | wander | women have a new project! It's good to get back into drawing for comics again. Of course every project, especially one that tells a story, naturally comes with a slew of research.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

sacred reciprocity

How we do anything is how we do everything. In the flow and cycle of life - all is interconnected. Give and take, ebb and flow, high and low. An infinite loop of reciprocal exchange. 

Yet all too often we no longer remember this - much less prioritize it in our lives. Like all universal laws though - ignorance of the law does not exempt us from it. 

birthday bouquet

It takes incredibly little to keep the balance or shift the energy to get back on track. Often it's as simple a disrupting or distracting oneself. Walk in nature, bake a cake, take a bracing shower. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

hanging out at the British Museum

wonder | wander | women are endlessly fascinated by the British Museum. We're very aware of the dark history of the museum and how many of the objects simply state that they are "acquired" without telling the full story: captured from conquered nations, stolen from tribes, bought for a song from invading officers, or even pocketed in passing during expeditions. 

main entrance