Thursday, March 20, 2025

equinox time

It's March 20 and the equinox is here! We call to our own awakening as Nature wakes from her winter sleep and sloughs off her mantle for yet another seasonal change.  

In the Northern Hemisphere, this day signals the long-awaited end of winter. While in the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the arrival of autumn. 

What exactly is an equinox? How is it connected with the seasons? How ae we all affected? 

Equinox marks a moment of harmony - when light and dark come into perfect balance. It is a sacred invitation to reflect, release, and realign with the rhythms of nature. 

What wisdom from the past season do we carry forward? Feel the returning sun shine upon us. As the world comes to new life around us - so do we. 

The earth warms or cools - melts rush through or leaves turn and fall in the nippy air. We all wash off the debris gathered on our banks - stepping forth in eager anticipation. 

The old cracks open and falls away. Newness sprouts forth - delicate and curious, we need to pay attention and protect this new life. Full of potential and possibility.

The Earth turns and we shift along with it. It is the time to acknowledge what has changed. To clear what no longer serves us. To plant the seeds of new intentions.

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