Sunday, December 31, 2023
El Anatsui at the Tate Modern
Monday, December 18, 2023
midwinter vigil
Yule is a twelve-day festival beginning December 20th - Mother’s Night, when the celebration of Yule officially starts.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
year end 2023
The holy days are the oasis of our soul where we ritually recalibrate ourselves - express our full spectrum of expression, our innate being, in worship and devotion. Rejoice! For the Light is birthed once more as we rediscover body and divinity are one and the same.
There is the breath of the holy passes our lips - a kiss of renewal on every brow, a cry of awareness kindled, the fresh taste of wonder ignites awe - sparking joy within, reborn on this day.
cathedral in Imus, Cavite |
Infused with joy and sublime gratitude, our choices and actions made more potent. Rites of celebration and honor open the weave - inviting all the tender ways of the sacred. The unbroken ancestral connection back to ourselves.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
National Galleries of Scotland: Modern One and Two
Last October wonder | wander | women took the train up to Scotland for the second time this year to see our good friends the Milligans. They had generously offered to host me when I mentioned coming back to see the tapestries at Stirling Castle.
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countryside flooding, seen from train |
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the North Sea battering coastal villages |
Monday, November 20, 2023
untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play at the Young Vic
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untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play, poster (2023) Courtesy of Young Vic |
Monday, November 13, 2023
grace & gratitude
Henrik Hudson Entering New York Harbor by Edward Moran |
Chronicled by late-1700s Mohican historian Hendrick Aupaumut, tells the story of the people who truly discovered America, including the river valley in which we now live.
Monday, November 6, 2023
love locks
On a recent visit to Evans, Georgia wonder | wander | women had the sweet privilege to visit one of its famous nature parks - the Augusta Canal.
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The Augusta Canal |
The canal and industrial district were designated a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2018.
The Power of Water by Reginald D. Fraser, NHA |
Monday, October 30, 2023
unicorns of Scotland
When wonder | wander | women went to see Heavenly Bodies in the Met Cloisters, we checked something else off the bucket list: seeing the original Hunt of the Unicorn tapestries. Little did we know that someone had recreated them and hung them in a real Renaissance castle in Scotland.
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From our Heavenly Bodies blog post |
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
lies & love
Does true democracy stand a chance when old-school authoritarianism is disco-fied to a beat we dance to?
Here Lies Love - whose title comes from a quote of Imelda Marcos concerning the words she hopes appear on her tombstone - plays like a coked-up cartoon. This 2010 Marcos concept album is a collaboration between David Byrne and FatBoy Slim (AKA Norman Cook).
the new Broadway production |
Though it features cameos by legends such as Florence Welsh and Natalie Merchant, as well as regular contributions from Byrne himself, it feels more parody than actual pleasure-conveyor and plays through as overzealous mental masturbation.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
London time
The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is more than just an annual lunar event. It is an important celebration that brings together families, rekindles friendships, and unites communities.
The holiday stretches back 3,000 years, when Orientals worshipped the moon as a symbol of rejuvenation and a good harvest. Today, the holiday is all about bonding and togetherness.
Chang’e the Moon Goddess and her celestial companion the Jade Rabbit |
In an intricately woven tapestry of traditions and shared experiences many around the world are captivated and celebrate along. While its origins are deeply rooted in East Asian cultures, the festival’s universal messages of family bonds, friendship, and gratitude is universal.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Mabon, back to balance
Autumn Equinox is the start of the fall season where the day and night are equal in length. Also known as Mabon, it marks the official time where summer ends and fall begins.
Mahala & Issa on our guided tour, London 2023
Autumn Equinox is a celebration of the harvest - the foods to sustain us through the winter months. It is considered the second harvest of fruits and vegetables. The first is the wheat harvest at Lammas (August 1), and the third harvest is for seeds and nuts at Samhain (November 1).
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Fil-Am convoluted history
Each year, American renew a solemn vow to never forget what happened on September 11, 2001, or those who lost their lives.
On Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, we honor every life lost that day. We honor the first responders - firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency workers, and service members - who answered the call of duty, and the brave civilians who rushed into action to save lives that day.
9/11 anniversary |
Their courage embodies the best of our American spirit and resilience - their heroism continues to inspire generations of Americans.
To the detriment of the Philippine nation and its people Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, the 10th president of the Philippines and its lone dictator from 1966 to February 1986 - was born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte. An unfortunate event we all still have to recover from.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
precious child's breath
Mahala celebrates her birthday on September 1 - this year I will be with her in London to celebrate together. Can't wait to be with my one and only spawn and favorite being of my life.
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Issa’s digital decoupage of Mahala’s art |
Numerology charts claim being born on the first day makes you a self-starter with very innovative ways of creating opportunity. Never afraid to be the first to try something new.
Determination and endurance are powerful and a great help to get through times of struggle to reach success. As solar systems are aligning in the Universe our planets are aligning with our sun. So too are Mahala's life years and numbers lining up - 1, 2, 3, 11.
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Mahala birthday girl - Earth angel? NYC bug! |
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Fonab Castle and Pitlochry Dam, Scotland
In late July wonder | wander | women enjoyed a visit from family - my nephew had turned 14 earlier in the year and we were celebrating. As a present, my aunt took him and my cousin to the UK.
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Fonab Castle, with dining pod |
I was excited to meet them in London and ride up with them to Scotland, where we walked our happy feet off through Edinburgh's most famous castles.
As an extra treat, we went with some dear friends up into the beautiful and ancient Cairngorms area of the Scottish Highlands. We stayed at the Fonab Castle Hotel, a gorgeous Victorian castle with phenomenal views.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
blast from the past
wonder | wander |women have been on Blogger since 2014 and only joined Medium in 2020. Separately we have been writing on other platforms since the early 2000s - when only a few of them were available.
Many of them have since folded and given up their ghosts, yet here we remain slugging on word for word, idea for idea, interest for interest.
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mural by Carolina Ro at Kate's Paperie, Soho NYC |
In the meantime lives have gotten busy once again post lockdown and we thought it would be a great time to resurrect some of our past posts that have yet to get to a wider audience. Be prepared to be roped into our latest catch up project.
Monday, July 31, 2023
breaking bread
Lammas Day celebrated every August 1 is the first of three autumn harvest festivals that falls between summer solstice and autumn equinox. It is known as Loaf Mass Day to Christians and Lughnasadh which is the name used for one of the eight sabbats in the Neopagan Wheel of the Year.
The other two harvest festivals are Mabon and Samhain. Lammas was historically a festival that celebrated the first wheat harvest of the year.
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Lunar Lammas 2023 |
Sunday, July 23, 2023
travel thrills
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view from the airport lounge before takeoff - Manila, Philippines |
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the largest international airport in the world - Istanbul, Turkey |
Saturday, July 15, 2023
birthday bliss
It's been six months and this long drawn visit of wonder | wander | women finally comes to an end - all too soon. Especially as it's been a week closing with several birthday activities. Intimate one on ones, group meet ups, family gatherings.
It's just never enough - no matter how well prepared or purposefully planned. Stormy weather, blustery winds, and hard rain all week are not the best send off at all.
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clouds clearing overhead |
Good thing our little island knows best how to host a fun fiesta and have a blast of fun. Food, food, lots of incredible food. Friends, family, all our relations. At home, out and about, or out of town. Whatever, however, forever!
Monday, July 3, 2023
Bali bliss
It seems like the whole world is back to flitting and flying - vacationing any and every where humanly possible. Taking to the air in record numbers - as pandemic fears fade and restrictions are lifted all around the world.
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Day 1 at our Bali home for the week , Manyi Village Ubud |
Summer fling flung floom! A welcome boom for the travel business even if the sudden glut after three years of bare movement has caused major adjustments and problems.
Monday, May 29, 2023
hook & purrrrl
"To sew is to pray. Men don't understand this. They see the whole but they don't see the stitches. They don't see the speech of the creator in the work of the needle. We mend. We women turn things inside out and set things right. We salvage what we can of human garments and piece the rest into blankets. Sometimes our stitches stutter and slow. Only a woman's eyes can tell. Other times, the tension in the stitches might be too tight because of tears, but only we know what emotion went into the making. Only women can hear the prayer." ~ LOUISE ERDRICH, Four Souls
wonder | wander | women were educated by Benedictine German nuns in a Catholic all girls campus on a tiny provincial island where ora et labora was the pervasive dictum and practice.
new dawn panganod (cumulonimbus) clouds |
This largely shored up the prevalent charity approach, rather than the more expansive concept of philanthropy. Though both are directed toward humanitarianism and public spiritedness, one perpetuates more inclusivity, equality, and equity than the other.
A given on an island where sugarcane ruled long after its conquerors fled. Creating an ever growing gap between the haves and the have nots.
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wwwomen homemade crochet projects |
Our school also had a sister vocational school where we served in outreach and grass roots programs as part of our curriculum and improvement. We had vocational classes to enhance our skills and crafts - designed to make us better home makers or provide us with a means to earn our living.
Monday, May 22, 2023
the art of MerMay
This year Disney is bringing the live-action version of its classic The Little Mermaid to theatres! This is one of wonder | wander | women's favourite fairytales, and for a long time we have been dreaming of telling our own version, set in medieval Islamic Spain - the grand era of the Alhambra and the palaces of Seville and Cordoba.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
love liberated
Attending the 2023 Nature Summit has deepened our wonder | wander | women appreciation for our early morning walks through our pocket village back home.
There is a boundless liberation where love emerges - an expansion occurs that is all encompassing yet totally freeing.
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daylight full moon in May |
We realize that love is a flexible fabric - the web of life, the atmosphere that surrounds us. Being out in nature offers us this alternative.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
what we read & how it defines our storytelling
It's summer reading list time! For bookworms and nerdy story lovers like us wonder |wander | women we share this Longreads list with you. Questioning the Stories We Hold: A Reading List Inspired by Annie Ernaux.
Illustration by Krista. Images by Getty Images. |
“Annie Ernaux reminds me that sometimes things find their meaning only in hindsight.” by Bekah Waalkes - January 19, 2023.
As Sheila Heti writes in the New York Times: “Most memoirs operate as if the past were right there and can be looked at, like a painting on the wall. But Ms. Ernaux understands that one’s 18-year-old self is a stranger to one’s 70-year-old self.”
Monday, April 24, 2023
art process: testing pens
Sunday, April 16, 2023
ceremony & celebration
EcoDeo held a sound healing session at a new venue in our home island back in the Philippines on April 14. Hosted by Silent Sage Yoga Center in the heart of Bacolod City.
It was a treat to conduct this sonic immersion and sound bath which uses vibration and resonance of different instruments to relax both body and mind. To dissolve our awareness and restore inner harmony through rhythm, beat, and melody.
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traveling tools of sound |
To effectively shut down mind chatter and clear out mental clutter - where neither exists, a state of silence is attainable.
It was an added treat that the Sikh New Year festival of Vaisakhi or Baisakhi fell on this auspicious date. Originally a spring harvest festival celebrated in the northern Indian state of Punjab.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
the heART of Spring
Friday, March 31, 2023
Palm Sunday at home
One of the things wonder | wander | women love about our haven in Union City NJ is its small town barrio ambiance that reminds us of our childhood home town.
Andrew Altarejos photos for Digicast Negros Parishioners attend Palm Sunday mass at the San Sebastian Cathedral in Bacolod City. |
Being back here in the Philippines after a four year hiatus brings this all back home to us. Alleluia! Lent and Holy Week in our native island home is yet another immersion into our childhood.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
writes of spring
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"real" British seasons, from Reddit |
Friday, March 10, 2023
myth & malice
We celebrate Saint Patrick, Ireland's patron saint on March 17. Even as we consider all the tales, mysteries, unknowns, and superstitions perpetrated in his name - holy or otherwise.
Credited by myths with bringing Christianity to the Irish and driving the snakes out of Ireland - does us all a disservice.
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good old St. Patrick |
According to legend St. Patrick (circa 387–460 or 492 AD) banished all snakes from Ireland, chasing them into the sea after they attacked him during a 40-day fast atop a hill.
Friday, March 3, 2023
home land, home sky
to the moment I murmured a teary goodbye to the lights of Manila...
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
transformation & transmutation
"Transformation comes when I'm not in charge, when I don't know what's coming next, when I can't assume I am bigger than everything around me." ~ Pico Iyer, TED Talk, 26 Feb 2023
After a recent sonic immersion - as we sat around the table to break bread together before heading off - our conversation steered toward what we carry within. In our muscle and sinew, blood and bones, DNA and cells, ancestry and history.
Prayers for Turtle Island © Dana Wheeles 2020 - We'Moon 2023 |
Connecting with our ancestors leads to healing when we are in alignment and collaborate as allies - even when we disagree or misunderstand.
As we learn to make peace with all elements - exploring, absorbing, immersing - we get up close and personal with our ancestors. When we allow space and drop resistance healing possibilities unfold.
It's about time we start conversations that explore the centrality of ancestor work to the collective liberation of humanity. Decolonize ourselves. Declutter our perspectives and processes. We let our soul soar. We set our spirit free.
The social, political, cultural and environmental crises of these times call us to reckon with the legacy of colonization, genocide, slavery and the continued violence against the oppressed.
Our healing requires that we transform intergenerational trauma using the wisdom, perseverance and resilience of our ancestors and lineage.
Once we trust that all that we need is here for us healing can occur - what is transformed is transmuted. By acknowledging all that is, in agreement or not - it is all offered to the sacred fire, good with bad - burned pure and released to the ether purified.
Our ancestors need to be recognized, honored, acknowledged and appreciated for their contributions - whatever those were. After all we would not be where we are were it not for them.
Our ancestral blessing is the knowledge that life is here for us - supporting, loving, co-creating with and rooting for us - that is a tremendous boost that is readily available to each of us.
How we relate in life is how we are in relation with our ancestors and all living beings. All our relations indeed. A'ho!
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
wander for wonder
wonder | wander | women are on a month long indulgence of our happy feet after years of not traveling much at all.
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Mahala & Issa at the Hotel Okura walkway |
This last week in the Philippines has been a dizzying whirlwind of errands and visits with local specialists and friends. Trips to favorite pasalubong centers and eateries we grew up with and continue to long for.
Mimi's Cafe & pasalubong center |